
Jak zapewnie część osób pamięta podpisałem umowy pozwalające nam korzystać z narzędzi trzech firm w trakcie zajęć dydaktycznych. 
Są to odpowiednio:
- Sun (Sun Academic Initiative);
- Visual Paradigm (Visual Paradigm Academy);
- IBM (IBM Academic Alliance);

Z uwagi na przejęcie Firmy Sun przez Oracle nasza umowa w SAI powinna w najbliższym czasie zostać przekształcona w Oracle Academy. 
W efekcie powinniśmy automatycznie uzyskać dostęp do narzędzi Oracle. 

Zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt i serdecznie pozdrawiam,

Tomasz M Orzechowski

phone: +48607720851

Dept. of Telecommunications
AGH University of Science and Technology

Begin forwarded message:

From: The Oracle Academy team<replies@oracle-mail.com>
Date: 5 marca 2010 04:31:39 CET
Subject: Update on Sun Academic Initiative
Reply-To: replies@oracle-mail.com

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Oracle Corporation
Update on Sun Academic Initiative
Oracle Academy

Dear Sun Academic Initiative (SAI) member:

We are pleased to inform you that on January 27th, Oracle announced it finalized its acquisition of Sun Microsystems. Over the next few months, SAI will be integrated into the Oracle Academy, Oracle’s state-of-the-art technology program that provides education institutions with resources that prepare students for 21st century careers. Rest assured, your membership is important to us and we will keep you updated on any developments that affect the SAI program.

For now, we would like to provide you with an update on two key SAI benefits.

Certification Vouchers
All SAI members may purchase the $40 discount vouchers until March 31, 2010 at this link saic.educationservicesgroup.com/ and redeem the vouchers at Prometric testing centers through the expiration dates. The voucher instructions and expiration dates are sent via email when members purchase the vouchers.

After March 31, 2010, all SAI members may obtain 40% off discount vouchers by emailing: contact_sai@sun.com

  • Students must provide full name, institution name and country.
  • Faculty must provide institution name, country and the desired number of vouchers.

Access to Sun Learning Connection
You will be able to access the SAI Learning Connection SkillPort portal until December 31, 2010.

We are working to integrate Sun resources into the Oracle Academy program and will keep you informed of any changes so you can continue to access the resources and tools you need.

If you’d like to learn more about the Oracle Academy, please visit academy.oracle.com.

For questions, please contact oaiteam_us@oracle.com.

Best regards,
The SAI team
The Oracle Academy team


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